La qualità dell’aria interna (IAQ) si riferisce alle caratteristiche ambientali all’interno degli edifici che possono influenzare la salute umana, il comfort o le prestazioni lavorative.

Monitoriamo l’IAQ perché trascorriamo circa il 90% del nostro tempo a respirare “aria interna”.

A differenza dell’aria esterna, l’aria interna viene riciclata continuamente facendola intrappolare e accumulare sostanze inquinanti.

Le caratteristiche IAQ includono le concentrazioni di inquinanti nell’aria interna, nonché la temperatura e l’umidità dell’aria.


Una scarsa IAQ contribuisce a problemi di salute sia a breve che a lungo termine che possono portare a una diminuzione della produttività, assenteismo e possibili contenziosi. I sintomi tipici associati a una scarsa qualità dell’aria interna includono irritazione di occhi, naso e gola, mal di testa, nausea, vertigini e affaticamento. In alcuni casi l’esposizione all’inquinamento atmosferico indoor può portare a malattie respiratorie acute e croniche tra cui asma, cancro ai polmoni, polmonite, ipertensione sistemica, broncopneumopatia cronica ostruttiva (BPCO), legionellosi e febbre da umidificatore. Vedi sotto per una tabella delle principali fonti e dei potenziali effetti sulla salute dell’inquinamento dell’aria interna.


Inquinante Sorgente Effetti sulla Salute
CO2 Carbon Dioxide Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), Excessive Building Occupancy and Inadequate Ventilation Fatigue; Eye, Nose and Throat Irritation; Headaches; Chest Discomfort; Respiratory Tract Symptoms
CO Carbon Monoxide Non-vented or Malfunctioning
Gas Appliances, Wood and Coal Stoves, Tobacco Smoke and Vehicle Exhaust Emissions
Headache, Nausea, Angina, Impaired Vision and Mental Functioning, Fatal at High Concentrations
COPM Environmental
Tobacco Smoke
Cigarettes, Cigars and Pipes Respiratory Irritation, Bronchitis and Pneumonia in Children; Emphysema, Lung Cancer and Heart Disease
VOC Organic Chemicals Aerosol Sprays, Solvents, Glues,
Cleaning Agents, Pesticides, Paints, Moth Repellents, Air Fresheners, Dry cleaned Clothing and Treated Water
Eye, Nose and Throat Irritation;
Headaches; Loss of Coordination; Damage to Liver, Kidney and Brain; Various Types of Cancer
O3 Ozone Ground Level Ozone Entering Indoors; Malfunctioning Air Treatment Systems; and Office Photocopiers and Printers Eye, Nose and Throat Irritation; Coughing; Chest Discomfort; Reduced Lung Function; Shortness of Breath
NO2 Nitrogen Oxides Non-vented or Malfunctioning
Gas Appliances and Vehicle Exhaust Emissions
Eye, Nose and Throat Irritation; Increased Respiratory Infections in Children
PM TSP (total suspended particulates)PM10 (thoracic fraction ≤10 μm)PM2.5 (respirable fraction ≤2.5 μm)PM1 (particles ≤1.0 μm) Cigarettes, Wood and Coal Stoves, Fireplaces, Aerosol Sprays and House Dust Eye, Nose and Throat Irritation;
Increased Susceptibility to
Respiratory Infections and
Bronchitis; Lung Cancer
CHCO Formaldehyde Pressed Wood Products e.g.
plywood and MDF; Furnishings; Wallpaper; Durable Press Fabrics
Eye, Nose and Throat Irritation; Headache; Allergic Reactions; Cancer
Other Sources and Potential Health Effects of Indoor Air Pollutants
Biological Agents
(Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Animal Dander, Dust Mites)
House Dust; Pets; Bedding; Poorly Maintained Air Conditioners, Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers; Wet or Moist Structures; Furnishings Allergic Reactions; Asthma;
Eye, Nose and Throat Irritation;
Humidifier Fever, Influenza
and Other Infectious Diseases
Asbestos Damaged or Deteriorating Insulation, Fireproofing and Acoustical Materials Asbestosis, Lung Cancer,
Mesothelioma and Other Cancers
Lead Sanding or Open-Flame Burning
of Lead Paint; House Dust
Nerve and Brain Damage,
Particularly in Children; Anemia;
Kidney Damage; Growth Retardation
Radon Soil Under Buildings,
Some Earth-Derived Construction
Materials and Groundwater
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